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Program Evaluation Questionnaire:

Some suggested questions at the end of the unit (for younger children this may be a class discussion or a think, pair share activity)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Knowing oneself: sense of identity and place in the world, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-motivated

•             Connecting with others: social skills

•             Physically active for life


What feelings have you learnt about (this term) during dance lessons?


How has this knowledge affected how you interact with fellow students?


How does dance make you feel?


Does it make you feel more confident?  More motivated to be active?


What have you learnt about your identity and place in the world?


Do you feel connected to nature?


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders: how do you feel about your culture? Other children…how do they feel about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders culture?


What have you learnt about being active for life?


Would you like to spend more time dancing?  Why?


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